stop drinking help

A daily supplement pill to help you cut down or quit drinking



The Science to Support You

Withdrawal & Biology

Cutting down or stopping drinking alcohol can cause unpleasant withdrawals – but why exactly?

In short, drinking regularly or too much causes the body to convert alcoholic drinks to acetic acid (acetate). This overproduction of acetate can damage the liver and escapes into the bloodstream. Once in the brain, the acetate oxidises to form adenosine – a chemical which calms the central nervous system as well as helps the heart beat properly. In addition, it becomes a major source of brain energy. People who drink more produce more adenosine – partly the reason people do drink, is to feel more relaxed. Over time, drinkers become reliant on adenosine for brain energy and sedation qualities. When we cut down or cut out drinking, the acute reduction in adenosine (as well as other feel-good chemicals such as dopamine) cause us withdrawal symptoms including nervousness, anxiety, tiredness and fatigue.


I was recommended Desistal by my workmate who had successfully used it over a 3 month period last year. Like him, Desistal enabled me to reduce the extreme irritability had tried to cut down in the past. I think I can now describe myself as an occasional social drinker however I know how easy it is to lose control.

John Boyd / Engineer

My drinking was out of control and my family had me pencilled in for a residential clinic which I was reluctantly considering. I did some research and decided to give desistal a go as my last throw at trying abstinence without residential treatment. It worked as I felt relaxed and felt the withdrawals were minimised. I will recommend it to others. 7 months free and can’t believe it!

Gillian Mitchell / Accounts Worker

I am a counsellor based in London and I have recommended Desistal to a goodly number of my clients, who have struggled in the past
with the initial withdrawal symptoms, however, Desistal has substantially reduced the anxieties and they have successfully gotten over the initial phase of their recovery.

Ben E / London

My problem was that I lost my ‘off’ button along the way. I could not take a drink and put the cork back in the bottle. A doctor friend of mine recommended Desistal and for the first time in my adult life, I feel totally in control.

Anonymous User

Desistal was a godsend for me. It reduced my cravings and slowed down my mind chatter and observation. When I passed the 7-day mark without a drink everything was fine for me – Thanks

Barbara / London

I don’t think there is any other way to reduce a man who has been a heavy drinker for 20 years down to under the safe weekly limit in 2 weeks. A grateful wife.

Jennifer Halstead / Nurse


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