How to deal with a hangover at work

One popular remedy to avoid when dealing with a hangover at work, at all costs, is to have another drink. 

The hair of the dog is a common way for us to dim the bright lights of a hangover, but doing it when you have work to go to? Not a good idea. Even on your day off, it is a sketchy idea because, let’s be honest, the hair of the dog may be an effective way of minimising the symptoms of a hangover, but all it does is delay the inevitable process of healing, which involves all of the usual symptoms we associate with hangovers. 

So, if you think slamming down an alcopop or a beer first thing in the morning, just remember, you are just trying to avoid what cannot be avoided: the hangover.

What causes hangovers?

Excessive alcohol consumption results in a hangover, causing various physical and mental effects on the body. 

Alcohol acts as a diuretic, leading to fluid and electrolyte loss, resulting in dehydration. This dehydration is a significant factor in the symptoms that make functioning difficult, such as headaches, dizziness, and tiredness. 

Alcohol can also irritate the stomach lining, leading to feelings of nausea and vomiting. It can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and irritability. When metabolised, alcohol produces acetaldehyde, a harmful substance that can cause inflammation and oxidative stress, contributing to muscle soreness. 

Additionally, alcohol can impact the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, causing mood swings, anxiety, and difficulty focusing.

Overall, combining these factors contributes to the unpleasant symptoms commonly associated with a hangover. Have you been put off drinking before work yet? The next time you think about having a few drinks while telling yourself. ‘Oh, it’ll be fine.’ Remind yourself of the paragraphs you have just read and order a mocktail.

Ways to decrease hangover symptoms 

Deep down, we all know the hangover cannot be stopped, but several strategies can help decrease hangover symptoms. One of the most important and obvious ways to reduce the symptoms of a hangover is to drink alcohol in moderation. Drinking too much alcohol increases the chances of experiencing a bad hangover. It’s a good idea to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water before, during, and after consuming alcohol, as this can also lessen hangover effects.

Eating a balanced meal before drinking alcohol can slow down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream and lessen the severity of a hangover. Consuming foods rich in electrolytes, such as bananas or leafy greens, can also help replenish nutrients lost during alcohol consumption. 

Getting enough rest and sleep after a night of drinking can also help alleviate hangover symptoms. 

It is essential to allow your body time to recover and heal from the effects of alcohol (so no hair of the dog). Light exercise, such as yoga or stretching, has been said to be a hangover aid as it can also help improve circulation and metabolism, aiding hangover recovery.

Common pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can assist with relieving headaches and body pains that are available without a prescription. It is crucial to adhere to the suggested dosage instructions, even though it may appear self-evident. Individuals experiencing severe hangover symptoms might be inclined to exceed the recommended dosage, resulting in potential illness or complications.

As mentioned at the beginning, the best way to decrease hangover symptoms is to drink alcohol responsibly and in moderation. Taking steps to care for your body before, during, and after drinking can help minimise the effects of a hangover and improve overall well-being, 

Should I skip work if I have a hangover?

Although tempting, skipping work if you have a hangover is not recommended. How else are you going to learn your lesson? Being accountable and meeting your job responsibilities is crucial, even when feeling unwell. However, you are dealing with severe symptoms that hinder your ability to work effectively, so, depending on how bad your hangover symptoms are, discussing the possibility of taking sick leave with your manager or HR department may be wise.

Prioritising your well-being is essential, so make sure to stay hydrated, get enough rest, and avoid alcohol to prevent future hangovers. Keep in mind that your behaviour can impact your professional image, so it is beneficial to reflect on your habits if drinking alcohol before work is a regular occurrence.

How to make it through your workday hungover 

Stay well-hydrated: Drink lots of water all day to help rid your body of alcohol toxins and rehydrate. Dehydration can worsen hangover symptoms, so it’s vital to keep sipping water even if you don’t feel like it.

Have a substantial breakfast: Giving your body a nutritious breakfast can boost energy levels and stabilise your blood sugar. Choose foods rich in protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats to counteract hangover effects.

Take breaks when necessary: If you’re feeling especially rough, don’t hesitate to take short breaks during the day to rest and recharge. This can prevent burnout and enhance your overall productivity.

Avoid caffeine and sugary drinks: It’s best to avoid caffeine and sugary beverages when experiencing a hangover. While grabbing a cup of coffee or an energy drink might be tempting to fight fatigue, these can worsen your symptoms and lead to an energy crash later. Instead, opt for water, herbal tea, or natural fruit juices.

Practice self-care: Engage in self-care practices such as deep breathing, stretching, or meditation to take care of yourself and reduce stress. This can help improve your mood and concentration, making it easier to make it through the workday.

Communicate with your coworkers: Don’t hesitate to communicate with your coworkers or supervisor if you need help focusing or are feeling unwell. They can support or adjust your workload to help you feel more comfortable throughout the day.

To successfully get through a workday feeling hungover, focusing on taking care of yourself, keeping hydrated, and being in tune with what your body requires is important. You can manage the day and prevent future occurrences by practising patience and self-control.

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Tips for softening the blow of a hangover before work

Dealing with a hangover before work can be challenging and unpleasant. However, some tips can help soften the blow and make the day more bearable. 

Eating a nutritional meal

Eating a nutritious meal can help ease a hangover in various ways. First, having a well-rounded meal containing protein, fibre, and good fats can help regulate blood sugar levels, which may be imbalanced after a night of excessive drinking. This can help alleviate symptoms of a hangover, like tiredness and headaches. 

Furthermore, a healthy meal can help replenish vital nutrients that may have been depleted due to alcohol consumption. Foods high in vitamins B and C, such as eggs, whole grains, and fruits, can help boost the body’s natural detoxification processes and promote recovery from a hangover.

Consuming a nutritious meal can assist in replenishing the body’s fluids, particularly when eating breakfast. Numerous breakfast options are rich in water and electrolytes that can help address dehydration, a frequent consequence of alcohol consumption.

Having a hot and cold shower

When people are suffering from a hangover, they often try different methods to ease their symptoms. One popular recommendation is to alternate between cold and hot showers. The theory behind this approach is that cold water can shrink blood vessels and decrease swelling, while hot water can loosen muscles and enhance blood flow. 

Cold water can also jolt the body and boost alertness, which is helpful when feeling tired and sluggish due to a hangover. Additionally, hot water can relieve tight muscles and encourage sweating, assisting in the body’s detox process.

It is worth mentioning that taking a cold or hot shower can temporarily relieve specific hangover symptoms, but it is not a guaranteed solution, and effectiveness may vary. Staying hydrated and getting sufficient rest can help when dealing with a hangover.

Stay hydrated

Ensuring you are well-hydrated can alleviate the effects of a hangover. When you consume alcohol, your body loses more water than normal, resulting in dehydration that can amplify hangover symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and tiredness.

Drinking ample water before, during, and after alcohol consumption can prevent dehydration and reduce the impact of a hangover. Water consumption aids in eliminating toxins from the body, enhancing overall hydration levels, and promoting quicker recovery.

Incorporating electrolyte-rich beverages and foods into your diet can help replenish lost nutrients and alleviate hangover symptoms. Therefore, maintaining proper hydration is crucial to preventing and recovering from a hangover.

I am often hungover at work – What should I do?

If you often have hangovers at work, it’s a sign to reconsider how much you drink. Hangovers can affect how well you work and feel while on the job. 

The first step is to figure out why you’re getting hangovers. Maybe drink less or stop altogether if it’s impacting your work.

Getting the help you need

Understanding the challenge of cutting back on alcohol for people with a physical addiction is important. In these cases, getting additional support may be necessary.

Supplements can be a helpful resource in controlling the urge for alcohol. For example, at Desistal, we offer a pill supplement that can help reduce or stop alcohol consumption altogether. This choice should be considered as part of a comprehensive strategy to overcome alcohol addiction.

What Is Desistal?

Desistal is a natural dietary supplement tablet designed to decrease alcohol cravings. 

Taking Desistal can help you adopt a healthier lifestyle and make it easier to reduce drinking, leading to a more efficient way of living.

How Does Desistal Work?

Desistal is a supplement created to help reduce withdrawal symptoms by providing your brain with acetate, an essential substance for optimal functioning. 

By doing so, it can lessen the adverse effects of withdrawal and support balance in mind and body, serving as a valuable aid for individuals striving to conquer addiction.

How Do I Get Desistal Supplement?

If you have any inquiries regarding Desistal or alcohol treatment, feel free to contact us.

Our experienced team is prepared to offer assistance and details on the options accessible in your vicinity.

If you are keen on our supplement, we can provide you with the information to buy it from our online shop.

Our main focus is helping you achieve your objectives, so don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.